October-December: In the blink of an eye

I’ve failed in my resolution for 2022 to write a blog entry at least once every month. 😅 I disappeared from here after my trip to Sweden, but I’ve still been working on little projects (and writing — I did NaNoWriMo but unfortunately did not complete my goal).

So let’s do a quick recap starting from end October.

I had a good time in Sweden! Found my new favourite library in Lund, visited some museums in Stockholm, went for a husky ride and took the ATV into the forest in Kiruna, visited the Ice Hotel there as well… and saw some wisps of Northern Lights!

Trees in the woods

And, upon returning, found myself with quite some inspiration for Something Better, because the trip had reminded me of my time as an international student. So I wrote.

November marked the beginning of NaNoWriMo, which I started late because of my trip. But I did eventually start… and got some words in, at least. 🫣

I also got to see my final product for Project: Leaf… and was disappointed and dissatisfied with the way it had turned out. 🥲 But, while I decided to proceed with a redesign, I also decided to prepare for the project reveal.

I designed a new logo.

And have been working on making it a vector.

It’s not done yet, so I can’t do the reveal like I planned to (before the year ends), but it will be early next year! 🤞 The first design for it, at least. The second is still work-in-progress and moving quite slowly this time. 😅

Other little bits of craft I’ve been doing in December:

  • Soy candle-making (scents: Coffee + Japanese green tea; Mandarin + English rose)
  • Christmas cards
  • Some interior design / planning through 3D modelling
  • A paper pineapple
  • Pottery-making and cup painting (unfinished because they haven’t yet been fired — the pencil marks will disappear upon firing so I’m hoping the cup won’t look as ugly after 👀)

December has been a fun, more hands-on kind of month, but I haven’t been writing so much. 😅 I tried finishing Auld Lang Syne before the year ends, but… it’s not done and the year is ending. Whoops. I want to finish Chapter 16 soon, though. It’s dragging on way too much.

And, as part of my annual tradition, I’ve made a recap video of all the creative projects I did this year. ✨

2022 hasn’t been the most productive year in terms of writing, but I did make quite a few other things. I still have unfinished projects that will have to be carried over to 2023, and some small secret projects coming up, so 2023 is going to be a busy year. 🙈

All right, I just wanted to do a quick update/recap before the year was over, so that’s one last thing off my list! See you next year! 😎

All writings, stories, and illustrations – unless otherwise stated – copyright © 2021 Kassie N (dear-llama). All rights reserved.

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