Jan 2023: New year, new goals?
It’s the end of the first month of 2023… and I feel like it’s lasted forever. It felt unreal to me when the year had just started, but now…
October-December: In the blink of an eye
I’ve failed in my resolution for 2022 to write a blog entry at least once every month. I disappeared from here after my trip to Sweden, but I’ve still been working on little projects (and writing — I did NaNoWriMo but unfortunately did not complete my goal).
September/October: The year is flying past…
I almost always never get anything done in the latter months of the year… September, as expected, flew by. I’m always really distracted in this month because it’s my birthday month! And I start counting down to it from the beginning of the month.
March on! Music box project reveal
Wow, do the months whiz past. 🤭
February flew past while I was working on my (semi-secret) music project — the one I mentioned working on in the last entry. And I’m done with it!
So here it is: a DIY music box!